Like every other industry at this time, the lettings sector finds itself in uncharted waters. We have a huge responsibility to help landlords and tenants (and to help Scottish Government) navigate through these difficult times safely and with ease.
We are making huge adjustments to the way we work and what we focus on in the new environment we find ourselves in. We’re communicating constantly with our remote 45-person team who have adjusted brilliantly in difficult circumstances this week.
Keeping tenancies going
Our main priority is to keep current tenancies going and ensure people have roofs over their heads. The challenge of maintaining and keeping properties safe under these conditions is relatively easy compared with how we can help our tenants keep their homes through a period of the biggest economic uncertainty our society has ever faced. We realise it’s been a few days of extreme and rapid change but two important points help keep everything in perspective;
- This period will pass
- We’re all in this together
With that in mind, we’re less worried about the immediate consequences of what is happening and are focused on getting everyone safely to the other side of this period.
The outpouring of support and understanding from our landlords to our affected tenants has been inspiring and, as we’re now learning, not surprising. We really are all on this journey together.
Earlier this week, we communicated to all of our tenants and landlords to say to them, try not to worry about your home. We’re going to work with everyone to do all we can to keep current tenancies going and we’re certain the Scottish Government is going to provide some form of financial assistance to help make this possible. Until we have more information, and it could take a few days, everyone needs to be patient and sit tight. If landlords or tenants have concerns, we’re here for them to help reassure them.
We’re expecting empty properties
Many of our tenants from other countries have already left for good. We realise this will be happening in rented properties across the country and with AirBnBs sitting empty now too, there is going to be a lot of empty properties on the market. With the challenges ahead, empty properties are likely to be needed on a short-term basis by families affected by Coronavirus and we’re alert and preparing for how we can meet that need. In the meantime, we’ve moved all of our property viewings to video tours and can arrange new tenancies at a moment’s notice and all done remotely so there is no infection risk for our team or new tenants. The same applies for landlords with vacant properties, we’re doing everything remotely to turn their properties round efficiently and quickly with no hassle or risk of infection.
Society has temporarily and dramatically changed but people need roofs over their heads.
We’re here to provide those whilst keeping everyone safe. Whatever is needed next from us, we’re prepared and we’ll adapt. From what we’ve seen in the last few days, everyone else will too.
Watch this space.
Neil Mcinnes – Founder Director.