We’re ranked in the top 100 small businesses to work for in the UK (sometimes referred to as the Sunday Times Best Companies list). This is no mean feat and is a huge accolade for our team. Using the Best Companies workplace engagement framework helps us measure ourselves against the best businesses across all sectors in the UK. It helps us understand how our team members feel about our company and factors including; management, leadership, fair deal, and how employee growth is supported.
Smashing the stereotypes surrounding the property sector also means binning the old paradigm of traditional employers and how they treat their employees. We take care of our employees in the way in which we want our customers to be treated. By showing our team what if feels like to be treated with respect, openness, humility and professionalism by their employer, we then don’t need to do much explaining about how we want our customers to be treated. We hire great people, give them an employee experience consistent with what we mean and they do the rest! We give our employees the platform and support to thrive, to develop and grow as individuals so that they can succeed within Umega for years to come, or to set them up for whatever else they go on to do.
We understand it’s not just about our employees professional experience so there’s a whole load of other stuff we do to make sure our team feel supported and valued.
We live and breathe our values every single day at Umega. They’re not just words on a document or letters on the wall. They are so, so much more. They are at the very core of who we are as an organisation and as people; They are our compass.